Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Problem child

I am the middle child and apparently the problem child. Yeah, I'm bad arse. I just can't help it, I'm a rebel without a cause. The things I have been in trouble for lately are:
- Leaving my curtains open while I get changed, hence being labelled an exhibitionist
- Wearing the wrong shoes or bag with my outfit and being told that I lack class and can't dress myself
- Not wearing enough makeup, fake tan or having inadequate volume in my hair
- Not cleaning my room, which apparently means I have no self pride or respect
- Eating two breakfasts. This was just ridiculous though, I mean, I'm not about to say no to a bacon & egg roll and pancakes. Am I right? Am I RIGHT?!
Let's face it people, I'm trouble. Mum's right, I'm really not reaching my potential. I'm pretty much on my way to smoking pot, shooting up, sniffing cocaine in the toilets of a night club, getting knocked up, tattooing "thug lyf" on my lower back and becoming a stripper. Who knows the lengths I'll go to! I'm a dangerous person! Lock up your sons!

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About Me

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I'm a 20 year old performing arts student who likes her tims tams with milk and gets head aches when drinking water with a mint in her mouth