Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wisdomless and wistful

The lack of wisdom hasn't hit me yet but the rumours are true, I got my wisdom teeth removed. I was so unimpressed when I found out that I had to get these teeth removed as I could have sworn that they already came through last year when my face hurt for a week straight because of these troublesome teeth. It was only when my face doubled in size two weeks ago and I couldn't chew anything without being in pain a few weeks ago that I realised something was wrong. That day, I visited a doctor, a dentist and got an x-ray done; they all confirmed that I had an impacted wisdom tooth and they all described me as very unlucky. Just a heads up, never let someone do anything to your mouth when you're not under a general anesthetic. Holy mother of God, I have never been in so much pain. My friend Tegan got her wisdom teeth removed in the dentist's chair and after this experience, I have so much respect for her. Even the needles to numb your mouth hurt! I was in tears and gripping the hand of the assistant the entire time. That day I got the gum around my tooth laser removed and puss extracted. So sexy. I was swollen and in intense pain constantly for the next three days so no wonder I was terrified with the prospect of having to get ALL of my wisdom teeth removed.
When D-day arrived, I had been warned that it would be the "worst pain of my life" and that I would be in bed for a week with a hugely swollen face and black eyes. So pumped. My operation was booked in for 7:30am yet I didn't go through to surgery until about midday as I was the last person out of nine people getting their wisdom teeth taken out that morning. It wasn't too bad though, while I waited I got to lay in bed and watch French films while glancing at the bandaged suckers in the beds around me. Once I was taken through to surgery, they put an ugly hair net on me and stuck a needle into my arm to await my anesthetic. The bizarre thing was, the doctor put the anesthetic in my arm and when I woke up after what seemed like seconds, I was being wheeled into another room and my wisdom teeth were gone! AMAZING! It was like magic. As the drugs hadn't quite worn off, I began berating the nurses for not giving me my teeth to keep and asking them what their favourite cocktails were. Normal. No joke, my face including my tongue was completely numb until midday the next day. Aren't drugs just the best? I looked like a winner with ice packs strapped to my face but so far so good with no swelling or bruising. I had pain killers just in case the pain started coming on but it never came. I was so prepared for the worst but nothing happened! I wasn't swollen, bruised or in pain. By day three, I was back to normal. Everyone lied to me! Yes it was awesome to stay in bed for two days playing the sims and my mum doing everything for me but it was so not that bad! Maybe I'm just awesome and fought past the pain but I honestly don't know why everyone makes such a big deal of it.
Wisdomless and wistful

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About Me

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I'm a 20 year old performing arts student who likes her tims tams with milk and gets head aches when drinking water with a mint in her mouth